Suspension/Revocation Hearings

What Happens at a DMV Suspension Hearing

dmv revoked license In the state of New York, your license could be suspended or revoked for many different kinds of traffic infractions. When your license is at risk, you have the opportunity to try to argue against the loss of your license in a suspension or revocation hearing. You need to act quickly in circumstances when you must request a hearing to protect your license, and you need to understand what happens during a hearing so you can be prepared to try to fight for your license.

Losing your ability to drive can create a substantial hardship for you and for your family. You should not just accept that you are going to lose your right to drive, even if you have been accused of a serious traffic offense such as drunk driving. It is important to talk with NYC traffic attorneys to find out if you have an option to argue against having your license suspended or revoked.

NY Traffic Firm has represented many clients in suspension or revocation hearings. Our legal team can assist you in determining the best legal strategy to use at your hearing in order to try to protect your right to drive.

We can represent you and make legal arguments on your behalf and we can help you to ensure that you comply with all required deadlines for requesting a hearing. Give us a call as soon as possible if you are at risk of losing your license to drive.

New York Laws on Suspension or Revocation of a Driver’s License

Under New York State law, there are many different situations where your license could be suspended or revoked. You are at risk of losing your license if:

There are also other circumstances where your license could be at risk. If your right to drive is in jeopardy, you need to know whether you are facing a suspension or a revocation.

If your license is suspended, it will automatically be reinstated when the period of suspension ends. If your license is revoked, you must apply for a new license and pay all associated fees that go along with getting a new license. The DMV can also deny you a license when you try to reapply for one after your license has been revoked, if the Department determines there is a reason for not allowing you to get your driving privileges back.

Suspension or Revocation Hearings

If you are facing the suspension or revocation of your license to drive, you must know the process for requesting a hearing and/or for representing yourself and making arguments at the hearing.

In certain circumstances, you must formally request a hearing related to the suspension or revocation of your license if you do not want to lose your right to drive automatically. For example, under New York Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1194(c), you can request a hearing within 15 days of being arraigned if your license is at risk of being lost for refusing to a blood alcohol concentration test.

If you are required to request a hearing within a limited period of time and you fail to make that request, your suspension or revocation could go into effect and you could lose the opportunity to try to argue for why you should keep your right to drive.

An experienced suspended license attorney can assist you in understanding what your rights are to a hearing and can help you to ensure that you go through the required process of requesting a hearing by the deadline. Simon Kabzan can also help you to devise a strategy for the types of arguments that you make at your hearing and the types of information that you present.

Depending upon the reasons for your possible revocation or suspension, there are a number of different approaches that you could take when trying to argue for your right to drive. You could argue that there is insufficient evidence that you committed a violation that justifies the loss of your license or you could argue that the behaviors for which your license is at risk were justified.

You could also try to argue for a hardship license so you do not totally lose your right to drive. If you can prove that you need a license to fulfill work or family obligations, you may be allowed a restricted license to drive only for limited purposes, even though your license would otherwise be temporarily lost due to the driving infractions you have committed.

The right approach is going to depend upon the specific reasons why your license is at risk, the evidence against you, and the types of evidence that you can present to the administrative agency that is determining what should happen to your right to drive.

Fight Your Ticket

You don’t have roll over, pay the citation and be done. Over-eager traffic enforcement intermingles with errors every day. Always be ready to fight back. The odds are in your favor when you work with NY Traffic Firm.

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How a New York Suspended License Lawyer Can Help You

NYC traffic ticket lawyers can provide you with assistance in understanding the laws on revocation or suspension hearings. Our legal team can explain to you what your rights are and what is at stake with the hearing that you are facing. We can help you to ensure that you follow all required processes to preserve your right to a hearing and can also assist you in taking the smartest possible approach to making arguments that could help protect your right to drive.

NY Traffic Firm has represented many motorists at administrative license suspension and revocation hearings and we are prepared to fight hard on your behalf to protect your license. Give us a call today to find out more about how our legal team can help you.

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